
project development

Utilizing every available technology

and construction technique to develop unique and beautiful projects


Multipart Builds

Longer projects with multiple build videos 


Full CNC Mill conversion
Mechanicals, Bench Testing, Electronics,

DIY MystBuster™

A coolant mister that will not fill your workshop and lungs with clouds of coolant

The Ralph Steam Engine

A simple, old fashioned stationary steam engine build based on the Polly Engine

Ingenenious Mechanisms™

These are all significant builds, some of which, like the Antiquarian Peripherals have multiple mechanisms

Antiquarian Peripherals™

A range of old time antiquarian designs for computer perpiherals built using modern materials and techniques

Enigma Machine Replica

A replica build of a the German WWII Enigma cryptographic machine

Steam Turbines

Experimental steam turbines and power generation

These builds are improvements in the various shops

PM Mill Power Feed

Add a power feed option to a Precision Matthews Milling Machine

Samsung NEO G9 Monitor

Installing a Samsung NEO G9 Odeyssey in a small office space

Bandsaw Conversion

Converting a woodworking bandsaw to metal working on a budget

Research papers, CAD files, drawings, prints and 3rd Party resources to supplement Eclectic Builds videos and assist you in developing your own projects ...


Eclectic Builds is about design, prototyping and building unique and beautiful artifacts, mechanisms and projects

Combining Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Manufacturing technology with traditional woodworking, machining and metal working techniques plus modern computer controlled subtractive (Milling) and additive (3D Printing) fast protyping and production capabilities

"Methods, beliefs, ideas, etc. that are eclectic combine whatever seem the best or most useful things from many different areas or systems, rather than following a single system"
Cambridge Dictionary